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  • Viktar Malisheuski appointed new KYKY.org editor-in-chief

    In an unusual utopian column, KYKY.org media announced that Viktar Malisheuski, a well-known Belarusian journalist, became the new editor-in-chief of the publication.

    In the edi­to­r­i­al, Mal­isheus­ki promis­es changes on the site, how­ev­er, the team will retain its style and pos­i­tive agen­da.
    Vik­tar Mal­isheus­ki has a 28-year expe­ri­ence as a jour­nal­ist. For ten years, he act­ed as deputy edi­tor-in-chief at Kom­so­mol­skaya Prav­da. He con­sult­ed on var­i­ous media projects and proved him­self as a suc­cess­ful blog­ger. At dif­fer­ent times, he worked as edi­tor-in-chief at Euro­ra­dio, edi­tor at Office.Life, and com­mu­ni­ca­tions direc­tor at Alfa-Bank.

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