RFE/RL Belarus director resigns after 25 years
Aliaksandr Lukashuk, RFE/RL Belarus director, is leaving the agency, Radio Liberty reports.
As Lukashuk noted in his farewell speech, he worked at Radio Liberty’s Belarusian office for three decades.
“For the last 25 years, I had the honor to head RFE/RL Belarus and – together with my talented colleagues – contribute to the promotion of freedom in Belarus. My work at Radio Liberty is coming to an end. I have gone through painful losses, premature deaths of colleagues, violence, raids at our office, arrests, and jail time for our brave journalists and their loved ones. But I have also experienced much joy from our readership’s feedback for our work, their support, and love for Freedom,” Lukashuk said.
Aliaksandr Lukashuk is currently working on a book about his work at RFE/RL Belarus, which will include memoirs and personal reminiscences.
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