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  • RFE/RL Belarus director resigns after 25 years

    Aliaksandr Lukashuk, RFE/RL Belarus director, is leaving the agency, Radio Liberty reports.

    As Lukashuk not­ed in his farewell speech, he worked at Radio Liberty’s Belaru­sian office for three decades.

    “For the last 25 years, I had the hon­or to head RFE/RL Belarus and – togeth­er with my tal­ent­ed col­leagues – con­tribute to the pro­mo­tion of free­dom in Belarus. My work at Radio Lib­er­ty is com­ing to an end. I have gone through painful loss­es, pre­ma­ture deaths of col­leagues, vio­lence, raids at our office, arrests, and jail time for our brave jour­nal­ists and their loved ones. But I have also expe­ri­enced much joy from our readership’s feed­back for our work, their sup­port, and love for Free­dom,” Lukashuk said.

    Ali­ak­san­dr Lukashuk is cur­rent­ly work­ing on a book about his work at RFE/RL Belarus, which will include mem­oirs and per­son­al rem­i­nis­cences.

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