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  • Salihorsk-based publication Lider-Press forced to quit media field after 28 years of activity

    Salihorsk public edition Lider-Press has to “finally leave the media field” on October 1 after 28 years of work. Last year the edition covered the presidential election and mass protest actions. In March 2021, the Lider-Press editorial board stopped issuing the print version of the newspaper. In June this year, searches were conducted in apartments of the media founders.

    “For 28 years, the edi­to­r­i­al board has val­ued the trust of the audi­ence and engaged in an hon­est dia­logue with every­one about the events and peo­ple of Sal­i­horsk. It turns out that any mate­r­i­al that truth­ful­ly reports on events in the region or the coun­try can be declared extrem­ist, with all the con­se­quences that fol­low. In such a sit­u­a­tion we can’t risk our employ­ees and are forced to stop the activ­i­ty of the edi­to­r­i­al office,” reads the edi­to­r­i­al appeal to the audi­ence.

    The edi­to­r­i­al board intends to resume work when con­di­tions change.

    10 чэрвеня быў вобшук у кватэры ўладальнікаў салігорскага медыя «Лидер-Пресс»

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