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  • ABAJUR №1 (125)

    By Vladimir Dziou­ba

    Andrej Bas­tu­niec: Non-state Media Help Peo­ple Make Con­scious Choice on Basis of True Infor­ma­tion

    BELTA Case: Attack on Non-state Online Media

    Author­i­ties Per­sis­tent­ly Fine Free­lancers for Work­ing with­out Accred­i­ta­tion
    By Pavel Liev­inaŭ

    Author­i­ties Use Accred­i­ta­tion to Restrict Access to Infor­ma­tion
    By Tanya Korovenko­va

    Media Fam­i­ly

    Juras Kar­manau:
    Our Cours­es Have to Keep Pace with Rapid­ly Devel­op­ing Media Tech­nolo­gies

    Chal­leng­ing Press Tours

    Press Offices Hide Offi­cials from Jour­nal­ists
    By Ina Studzin­ska­ja

    New Reg­u­la­tions Tight­en Con­trol over Online Com­ments
    After sto­ries by TUT.BY, NAVINY.BY and BBC

    Lawyers Are Always on the Road
    By Alieh Ahe­jeu

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