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  • Journalists Petition to Investigate the Beating Case

    Journalists filed a collective petition to the Ministry of Information and the General prosecutor’s office demanding to consider the incident of beating of Pavel Dabravolski, identify and bring to liability the policemen involved in the beating, and to take measure to prevent such incidents in future.

    Accord­ing to TUT.by jour­nal­ist Aly­ona Sharam­et, as of Mon­day, 175 peo­ple signed the peti­tion.

    Col­leagues of Pavel Dabravol­s­ki sent sev­er­al dozen sim­i­lar peti­tions, on paper and by e‑mail, to the Min­istry of the Inte­ri­or, the Chief police depart­ment of the Min­sk City Exec­u­tive Com­mit­tee and to the Supreme Court of Belarus.

    Mean­time, the med­ical expert fixed bruis­es and abra­sions on the journalist’s face, shoul­der and cor­pus; the injuries were inflict­ed by a blunt object with­in a day before the med­ical exam­i­na­tion, and clas­si­fied as light bod­i­ly injuries, reports naviny.by.

    The jour­nal­ist already had two meet­ings with an offi­cer of the Inves­tiga­tive Com­mit­tee.

    Journalist Beaten in Court Building

    BAJ Demands Criminal Investigation into the Fact of Beating a Journalist

    OSCE Representative condemns police violence against journalist in Belarus and reiterates call on authorities to stop persecuting members of media

    EFJ: Belarus detains and fines journalist for filming police attacking protesters


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