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  • Belarus detains and fines journalist for filming police attacking protesters

    Paul Dabravolski, a reporter working for the Belarusian news website TUT.BY was arrested and given a fine of 9.450.000 Belarusian rubles (420 EUR) for filming police beating two protesters during a court hearing on a graffiti case on 25 January. The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) and the Belarusian Association of Journalists (BAJ) have today condemned the arrest and urged the authority to withdraw all charges against Dabravolski.

    Dabravol­s­ki is a mem­ber of the BAJ. He was arrest­ed while he was cov­er­ing a hear­ing where two sup­port­ers were protest­ing in the court with a ban­ner say­ing “stop polit­i­cal pros­e­cu­tion”. In a videorecord­ing the hear­ing, the police pushed the pro­test­ers out­side the court­room while they were shout­ting “art is not a crime”. Jour­nal­ists present in the court room fol­lowed the police and filmed the process.

    Dabravol­s­ki was among the jour­nal­ists film­ing the police beat­ing the pro­test­ers. He was beat­en and arrest­ed togeth­er with the two pro­test­ers. He was then tak­en to the police sta­tion and charged with “con­tempt of court” (Arti­cle 24.1 of Belarus Code on Admin­is­tra­tive Offens­es) and “dis­obey­ing the offi­cials’ legal demands” (Arti­cle 23.4 of Belarus Code on admin­is­tra­tive Offens­es).

    Mogens Blich­er Bjer­regård, the EFJ Pres­i­dent said, “It is clear that Dabravol­s­ki has com­mit­ted no crime. He was mere­ly there doing his job to report on abus­es by the author­i­ty.”

    “The police must drop all the charges against Dabravol­s­ki,” demand­ed Blich­er Bjer­regård.

    Pho­to Cred­it : Vadim Samirovsky, TUT.BY

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