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  • “I couldn’t even withdraw the money.” Belarusian journalists’ bank accounts still blocked in Ukraine

    Owning a bank account in Ukraine as a Belarusian journalist is still problematic. After the war started, they were frozen, and attempts to withdraw cash were mostly unsuccessful, said journalist Ales Minau, who has been living in Kyiv since late 2021.

    “My card was blocked again in the mid­dle of March 2023,” shares the jour­nal­ist. “I vis­it­ed a bank office to inquire about cash with­draw­al. They said there was no such option. The only way was to pro­vide anoth­er bank account’s details for a trans­fer. How­ev­er, none of the Belaru­sians I know have an account.”

    Even an attempt to con­tact the sup­port ser­vice, accord­ing to the cor­re­spon­dent, did not bring any results: the bank has blocked calls from Belaru­sian clients since the accounts were asso­ci­at­ed with the phone num­bers.

    “I know that the deputies of the ‘For a Free Belarus’ fac­tion have been con­tact­ed, but so far there has been no reac­tion from them,” Ales Minau added. “I have also sent a peti­tion to the Secu­ri­ty Ser­vice of Ukraine, explain­ing why I con­sid­er the mea­sure unfound­ed. I have been told that the let­ter has been accept­ed. The answer should come in two weeks, but I don’t have much hope.

    Now the jour­nal­ist coop­er­ates with sev­er­al edi­tions in the Euro­pean Union and says that the only solu­tion to receive mon­ey is bring­ing it in cash from abroad. How­ev­er, this is not an easy task, giv­en the obsta­cles for get­ting in and out of Ukraine.

    Some Belaru­sians ask their Ukrain­ian friends to open an account in their name, but this is not secure and involves extra prob­lems with Inter­net bank­ing.

    Recall that Belaru­sians’ bank accounts in Ukraine were first blocked imme­di­ate­ly after a mas­sive inva­sion by Russ­ian troops in Feb­ru­ary-March 2022.

    How­ev­er, thanks to the inter­ven­tion of the Belaru­sian Asso­ci­a­tion of Jour­nal­ists, the accounts of some Belaru­sian jour­nal­ists were unblocked. A year lat­er, how­ev­er, the prob­lem arose again. In March-April 2023, Belaru­sian jour­nal­ists once again faced the inabil­i­ty to use bank appli­ca­tions and make trans­fers. The prob­lem has not been solved to date.

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