Help for the family of Sergei Satsuk, political prisoner investigative journalist
3100€ — the amount indicated is part of the necessary funds needed to pay the financial penalties imposed on Sergei Satsuk.
Sergei Satsuk, an investigative journalist and former editor of the Yezhednevnik portal, was detained on 12/8/2021. He is known for his investigative journalism on corruption in the higher echelons of the Belarusian government. His last investigations were about corruption in the Ministry of Health. It was these journalistic investigations, as well as his articles about the authorities’ attitude towards the pandemic, that became the real reason for his prosecution.
On 23.09.2023, the Belarusian court on trumped up charges sentenced him not only to a long term of imprisonment (8 years), but also to a fine of 16,000 Belarusian rubles, as well as to reimbursement to the state the money allegedly obtained by criminal means (12,340 Belarusian rubles). The appeal court not only expectedly left the verdict unchanged, but also considered the appeal of Siarhei Satsouk in closed regime, although the first trial was open.
Sergei Satsuk lived in a village 20 km from Minsk, in his small house, which he built with his own hands over several years and for which he still has debts to pay. His wife (disabled, not working), daughter and grandson lived with him.
On account of the financial cartels imposed by the Belarusian authorities, Sergei Satsuk’s modest second-hand car, which he had bought on credit (still unpaid by the family) shortly before his arrest, was seized. Without the car it will be very difficult for the family to continue living in the house, as the authorities have significantly reduced bus traffic to the village, so it will be almost impossible for their grandson to get to school and for Sergei’s daughter to get to work in Minsk. As a last resort (if they confiscate the car and other property), the family is already considering selling the house. At the last meeting with his family, Sergei Satsuk asked very much to try to keep their house, which was his dream and the first real estate they could buy.
The family has found money to pay some of the foreclosures, but it is clearly not enough.
Any amount that can be raised is important.
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