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  • Statement of BAJ Regarding Persecution of Journalists in March 2017

    In March 2017, Belarusian mass media faced with extraordinary pressure and repressions exerted by the authorities. The month has been the worst time since 2011.

    The Belaru­sian Asso­ci­a­tion of Jour­nal­ists reg­is­tered 123 cas­es of vio­la­tions of jour­nal­ists’ rights so far since the start of March.

    Рэпрэсіі супраць журналістаў у Беларусі ў 2017 годзе (Табліца, абнаўляецца)

    Repres­sions against jour­nal­ists in Belarus in March 2017 (Chart, updat­ed)

    The inci­dents include:

    94 deten­tions;

    6 inci­dents of beat­ing jour­nal­ists by police;

    3 inci­dents of dam­ag­ing jour­nal­ists’ equip­ment;

    2 inci­dents of seizure of equip­ment;

    40 admin­is­tra­tive cas­es.

    Jour­nal­ists have been on tri­al under sev­er­al arti­cle of the Admin­is­tra­tive Code of Vio­la­tions, name­ly:

    art. 22.9 for ille­gal pro­duc­tion of mass media prod­ucts (i.e. for work with­out accred­i­ta­tion);

    art. 23.34 for vio­lat­ing the pro­ce­dure for orga­niz­ing or hold­ing mass events (like par­tic­i­pants of an unsanc­tioned mass event);

    art. 23.4 for dis­obe­di­ence to law­ful police’s demands;

    art. 17.1 for minor hooli­gan­ism,

    and some oth­ers.

    In 10 cas­es jour­nal­ists were pun­ished with arrests vary­ing from 5 to 15 days, in 4 cas­es jour­nal­ists were fined for up to 40 basic amounts (which makes 920 BYN, or equiv­a­lent to 460 euro). Over 10 cas­es are yet to be resolved in court.

    On March 31, two Min­sk offices of Bel­sat TV chan­nel (part of Pol­ish pub­lic TV, broad­cast­ing via satel­lite specif­i­cal­ly for Belaru­sian audi­ence, by Belaru­sian jour­nal­ists) were searched, and equip­ment was seized. The police of the Min­sk City Exec­u­tive Com­mit­tee said the actions fol­lowed a request of the trade­mark own­er (Bel­sat Plus sell­er of satel­lite equip­ment, see back­ground of the case) to pro­tect its copy­right.

    PA BAJ sup­ports the stance that, in fact, the author­i­ties pur­sue a dif­fer­ent goal – to stop activ­i­ties of inde­pen­dent TV jour­nal­ists in Belarus, espe­cial­ly dur­ing mass actions of protest.

    BAJ reminds of its state­ment dat­ed March 12, 2017 and reit­er­ates its demands:

    – To hold an imme­di­ate inves­ti­ga­tion of the mas­sive vio­la­tion of jour­nal­ists’ rights by rep­re­sen­ta­tives of law enforce­ment agen­cies;

    – To iden­ti­fy those respon­si­ble for vio­la­tions of jour­nal­ists’ rights and to hold them liable;

    – To take nec­es­sary mea­sures to pre­vent vio­la­tions of jour­nal­ists’ rights in future;

    – To protest against the court rul­ings on hold­ing the jour­nal­ists liable accord­ing to admin­is­tra­tive law for that they had only imple­ment­ed their pro­fes­sion­al duties; to over­turn the deci­sions on fines, to release jour­nal­ists under arrest;

    – And to return pro­fes­sion­al equip­ment and oth­er equip­ment to jour­nal­ists.

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