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  • Six Administrative Protocols and No Excuses from Loyeu

    Four administrative charges have been brought against freelancer Kastus Zhukouski and two charges against his colleague Aliaxei Atroshchanka as a result of the rough detention in Loyeu on June 21.

    The jour­nal­ists were tak­ing a video record­ing of the local brick fac­to­ry which was said to be in a cri­sis. First, two offi­cial rep­re­sen­ta­tives appeared and ordered to stop record­ing and show doc­u­ments; then they called the police. Accord­ing to Ali­ax­ei Atroshchanka, five police­men per­formed the deten­tion, includ­ing two sub-colonels.

    Kast­sus Zhuk­ous­ki is charged with insult­ing two offi­cial rep­re­sen­ta­tives and the police­man who detained him (two admin­is­tra­tive reports); the third charge was for dis­obe­di­ence to the police offi­cer (first deputy head Henadz Madzhara); the fourth charge was for minor hooli­gan­ism. Accord­ing to the reports, Zhuk­ous­ki shout­ed, uttered curs­es and through his actions demon­strat­ed out­right dis­re­spect to the pub­lic.

    Ali­ax­ei Atroshchanka is charged with insult­ing the offi­cials and dis­obey­ing law­ful police’s demands: he alleged­ly insult­ed the two women, offi­cial rep­re­sen­ta­tives, and then he refused to get into the police car to go to the police depart­ment.

    The jour­nal­ists spent around six hours in the police depart­ment. The admin­is­tra­tive reports were not com­piled straight­away, they were drawn up a week lat­er and sent to the accused by post.

    The next day after the deten­tion, the Min­is­ter of the Inte­ri­or Ihar Shunevich promised to check law­ful­ness of the actions: “Any infor­ma­tion about law­ful­ness of activ­i­ties of our employ­ees will be checked, includ­ing this case. We do not ignore any report of the kind. We will give assess­ment of the inci­dent.”


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