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  • Journalists Detained in Loyeu

    Freelancer Kastus Zhukouski and his colleague were detained in Loyeu when they were making a report about the local brick factory.

    Кастусь Жукоўскі, архіўнае фота

    Kas­tus Zhuk­ous­ki told that the deten­tion was per­formed by senior offi­cials of the police depart­ment.

    «The police came, and bru­tal­ly detained me and my col­league Ali­ax­ei. We were tak­en to the police depart­ment, to the con­trol room. They tore out the equip­ment from our hands, spolit it. I was pushed to the floor, hand­cuffed; they pressed my head against the floor with a foot; the man who did it called him­self deputy head Henadz Madzhara.» said the jour­nalilst to Bela­PAN.

    The jour­nal­ist said his blood pres­sure had jumped up; an ambu­lance was called; he was giv­en an injec­tion. No com­ments came from the police depart­ment yet.

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