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  • Ihar Karnei taken to custody under criminal case

    Journalist Ihar Karnei, detained on July 17, has been transferred to a pre-trial detention center, said his daughter Palina on social media.

    Karnei was detained after a search of his apart­ment and was sup­posed to be released 10 days lat­er. Dur­ing the search, office equip­ment was seized.

    Human rights activists came to the con­clu­sion that he was detained under a crim­i­nal case, and there­fore in 10 days he should either be released or charged. Since he was not released, appar­ent­ly, a crim­i­nal case was opened against the jour­nal­ist.

    On 15 Novem­ber 2020 Ihar was arrest­ed dur­ing one of the protest march­es in Min­sk and sen­tenced to 10 days of deten­tion.

    Ihar Karnei has been a jour­nal­ist since 1990. He was pub­lished in the news­pa­pers Znamya Molodezhi, Kras­naya Sme­na, Kom­so­mol­skaya Prav­da. Since 1991 he has worked for the news­pa­per Zvi­az­da. In 1994–2000 he was a cor­re­spon­dent for the week­ly Svo­bod­nye Novosti. In 2000 he joined RFE/RL. In recent years he has worked as an inde­pen­dent jour­nal­ist.


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