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  • Freelancer Fined 690 BYN in Orsha

    Another journalist, freelancer Katsiaryna Bakhvalava was fined in Orsha today for 30 basic amounts (around 360 USD) for disobedience to police’s demands and the violation of the media law.

    The jour­nal­ist had spent the night in the deten­tion facil­i­ty; the police did not allow hand­ing over drinks and warm clothes to her. She start­ed feel­ing unwell dur­ing the hear­ing, for which the process was briefly inter­rupt­ed.

    Kat­siary­na Bakhvala­va was charged with arti­cles 22.9 and 23.4 of the Code on Admin­is­tra­tive Offences (vio­la­tion of the media law and dis­obe­di­ence to police’s demands). The judge heard the wit­ness Pavel Char­ni­aus­ki, who had per­formed the deten­tion.

    The judge for­bid video record­ing and made all jour­nal­ists put the equip­ment on the floor. She also promised to move every­one out when she found out that every­thing had been broad­cast on the web.

    The judge based in her con­clu­sion that the jour­nal­ist had been record­ing video with a logo of a chan­nel unreg­is­tered  in Belarus (Bel­sat).

    Radio Svabo­da Jour­nal­ist Fined 575 BYN

    Police Inter­fere with Jour­nal­ists Work at Region­al Protest Actions

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