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  • Radio Svaboda Journalist Fined 575 BYN

    Halina Abakunchyk, accredited journalist of the Radio Svaboda, has been fined 25 basic amounts (equivalent to around 300 USD) for participation in an unsanctioned mass event.

    Hali­na Abakunchyk was detained while she was report­ing from the yesterday’s protest action in Orsha, Viteb­sk region. She spent the night in a cell; the tri­al took place today after mid­day.

    The reporter says she has been treat­ed rude­ly, the nor­mal pro­ce­dures were not observed: she was rude­ly detained and forced to get into the car; she spent three hours in a cell with­out charges; per­son­al things were seized, and only then she saw the first pro­to­col.

    The reporter plead­ed non-guilty. She argued that she was per­form­ing an edi­to­r­i­al task; she attempt­ed to show the journalist’s cre­den­tials, but the four spe­cial forces’ offi­cers dis­re­gard­ed the intro­duc­tion and dragged the reporter to the car.

    The judge dis­missed the motion to call the journalist’s wit­ness­es.

    The jour­nal­ist says the actions are law­less­ness and the police are wag­ing a war against infor­ma­tion.

    Police Inter­fere with Jour­nal­ists Work at Region­al Protest Actions

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