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  • volkovysk.by website and online community declared extremist formation

    January 24, the State Security Committee included the volkovysk.by site and affiliated social media pages in the list of extremist formations.

    «A group of indi­vid­u­als unit­ed through social media, mes­sen­gers, and oth­er Inter­net resources affil­i­at­ed with the volkovysk.by web­site under­takes extrem­ist activ­i­ty,» reads the Inte­ri­or Min­istry’s com­mu­ni­ca­tion. Apart from the social media pages of the media out­let, the list includes per­son­al pages of edi­tors Ales Zait­sau and Ali­ak­san­dr Tarant­sei.

    Arti­cle 361–1 of the Belaru­sian Crim­i­nal Code pun­ish­es founders, lead­ers, mem­bers and spon­sors of extrem­ist for­ma­tions with prison terms rang­ing from 6 to 10 years.

    Volkovysk.by is a media focused on the town and dis­trict of Vaukavysk and run by vol­un­teer authors at their own expense.

    «For 13 years, volkovysk.by has been the only inde­pen­dent media cov­er­ing events in our town. All this time, we were opposed by the state machine with its ide­ol­o­gists and local news­pa­per edi­tors who were nev­er able to com­pete with us in terms of reach. Unlike them, we nev­er received a pen­ny from the bud­get. We also nev­er applied for any grants, we just love our town and pro­duce ver­i­ta­ble con­tent sac­ri­fis­ing our time and mon­ey,» the edi­to­r­i­al team said in their state­ment.

    The site was moved to a new domain volkovysk.eu and new social pages will be cre­at­ed.

    The author­i­ties have already rec­og­nized mul­ti­ple Belaru­sian inde­pen­dent media, includ­ing Bela­PAN, Nasha Niva, Euro­ra­dio, Bel­sat, Zerka­lo, Grodno.Life and Flagsh­tok, as «extrem­ist for­ma­tions.»

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