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  • Volha Ivashyna: Dzianis is waiting for your support

    Hrodna journalist Dzianis Ivashyn has been kept behind bars since March 12, 2021. He was grabbed by police on the street near his block when walking to a pharmacy to pick up medicines.

    Since then, his wife Vol­ha could not see or hear him, and received only one let­ter from her hus­band — on April 7. In the let­ter dat­ed March 17 Dzia­n­is sends greet­ings to all his friends and col­leagues.

    Vol­ha Ivashy­na explains:

    — This is the first let­ter in a mon­th’s time, I sup­pose, there were oth­er let­ters as well, and it will take them even longer to reach us.

    She says she learns about Dzia­n­is only through his lawyer.

    «The lawyer says only gen­er­al things like how Dzia­n­is feels, and what he needs us to send him. Dzia­n­is miss­es us all, he says.»

    The lawyer also says that Dzia­n­is received a few let­ters from the fam­i­ly.

    Vol­ha also wrote a let­ter to the inves­ti­ga­tor ask­ing for a meet­ing with her hus­band.

    She says, Dzia­n­is had a chance to have a quick word with anoth­er polit­i­cal pris­on­er a famous Belaru­sian artist Ales Pushkin.

    Dzia­n­is Ivashyn was detained on March 12. The police seached apart­ment late into the night. Also, the police searched his moth­er’s home, and, on March 15, they came with a search war­rant to the home of his 95 y.o. grand­moth­er. 

    Ivashyn is an inves­tiga­tive jour­nal­ist. In Belarus, he workes with the Novy Chas news­pa­per. The last arti­cle that he pub­lished in Novy Chas was about for­mer Ukrain­ian «Berkut» (riot police) offi­cers suc­cess­ful­ly land­ed  jobs in Belaru­sian police forces.

    He is also a jour­nal­ist and edi­tor of the Belaru­sian ser­vice of Inform­Na­palm web­site.

    Write a let­ter to Dzia­n­is (an auto­mat­ic trans­la­tion into Belaru­sian or Russ­ian would work fine) at:

    Dzia­n­is Yauhenavich Ivashyn

    prison №1, ul. Kira­va 1, Hrod­na, 230023

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