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  • TUT.BY freelance photographer Yauhen Yerchak detained in Minsk on unknown grounds

    Photographer Yauhen Yerchak was detained in Minsk on June 13. A “penitential video” and photos of the search were circulated by pro-government Telegram channels.

    In the video shot by law enforce­ment offi­cers, Yauhen said that he worked as a free­lance pho­tog­ra­ph­er for TUT.BY, “took part in and cov­ered protest ral­lies in 2020, as well as fol­lowed extrem­ist Telegram chan­nels.”

    Also, law enforcers report that they obtained access to the journalist’s pho­to and video archives. At the moment, the grounds for deten­tion are unknown.

    Yauhen Yer­chak also coop­er­at­ed with oth­er pub­li­ca­tions and inter­na­tion­al agen­cies.

    Repressions against journalists in Belarus 2022, list of colleagues in prison

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