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  • “Trivial revenge and desire to demonstrate their control.” Yan Rudzik comments on trial

    A court hearing in the case of the Nexta bloggers Stsiapan Putsila and Yan Rudzik has been scheduled at Minsk Regional Court on 16 February. They will be tried in absentia under the so-called “special proceedings”. Raman Pratasevich is also expected to attend, but his legal status – defendant or witness – has not been disclosed.

    “All this looks like a cheap show for idiots,” Yan Rudzik shared with the Belaru­sian Asso­ci­a­tion of Jour­nal­ists.

    “I only know the tri­al date and the charges,” he not­ed. “No one tried to con­tact me, nei­ther the inves­ti­ga­tors nor the prosecutor’s office. I have even received no mes­sages from the lawyer I was alleged­ly assigned by the state. That is why I am con­vinced that it is triv­ial revenge, a desire to show that they remem­ber every­thing and that severe pun­ish­ment is sure to befall the ene­mies of the regime.”

    Stsi­a­pan Put­si­la and Yan Rudzik live and work in Poland, their cas­es were inves­ti­gat­ed with­in “spe­cial pro­ceed­ings” in their absence. Raman Prata­se­vich has been under house arrest in Min­sk for over a year and a half.

    Prata­se­vich has not been sum­moned for the 16 Feb­ru­ary ses­sion. Are the author­i­ties real­ly ready to grant him amnesty for coop­er­a­tion?

    “It’s dif­fi­cult to make any assump­tions, he may have already been reclas­si­fied as a wit­ness,” Yan Rudzik admit­ted in a con­ver­sa­tion with the BAJ mon­i­tor­ing ser­vice.

    Raman Prata­se­vich and his girl­friend Sofia Sape­ga were detained in May 2021 after the forced land­ing of a Ryanair plane at Min­sk air­port. The for­mer Nex­ta edi­tor quick­ly became a “pup­pet” in the hands of the law enforcers and start­ed appear­ing on state-run TV and at press con­fer­ences orga­nized by gov­ern­ment agen­cies. But it seems he nev­er received the promised indul­gen­cies for “sin­cere repen­tance.” Prata­se­vich stays under house arrest, Sofia Sape­ga has been sen­tenced to 6 years of impris­on­ment, and his for­mer asso­ciates are to be tried under “spe­cial pro­ceed­ings” and risk being stripped of their prop­er­ty and Belaru­sian cit­i­zen­ship.

    The three defen­dants were charged with incit­ing social hatred, orga­niz­ing mass riots and instruct­ing oth­ers to par­tic­i­pate in them, orga­niz­ing group actions that gross­ly vio­late pub­lic order, encour­ag­ing takeover of pow­er, ter­ror­ism, or oth­er actions aimed at harm­ing nation­al secu­ri­ty, estab­lish­ing and head­ing an extrem­ist for­ma­tion, libel­ing and pub­licly insult­ing the Pres­i­dent of the Repub­lic of Belarus.

    Stsi­a­pan Put­si­la and Yan Rudzik were addi­tion­al­ly accused of con­spir­a­cy to take pow­er by uncon­sti­tu­tion­al means, financ­ing extrem­ist activ­i­ties, and dis­cred­it­ing the Repub­lic of Belarus.

    Final­ly, Stsi­a­pan Put­si­la was indi­vid­u­al­ly charged with orga­niz­ing the activ­i­ties of a ter­ror­ist orga­ni­za­tion. The Pros­e­cu­tor General’s Office filed a claim for com­pen­sa­tion of prop­er­ty dam­age of over $11,8 mil­lion.

    The accu­sa­tion believes that since 2020, con­spir­ing to take pow­er through uncon­sti­tu­tion­al means, the defen­dants have pub­lished mate­ri­als in the Nex­ta and Belarus Golovno­go Moz­ga pages on social media intend­ing to incite people’s par­tic­i­pa­tion in mass riots and armed resis­tance to the author­i­ties, orga­nize unau­tho­rized pub­lic gath­er­ings, incite social hatred, using or threat­en­ing to use vio­lence, spread defam­a­to­ry infor­ma­tion and pub­lish per­son­al data.

    Stsi­a­pan Put­si­la and Yan Rudzik were remand­ed in cus­tody in absen­tia, while Raman Prata­se­vich stays under house arrest.

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