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  • The team of the former editorial staff of TUT.BY launches a new media Zerkalo.io

    On May 18, 2021, the authorities sealed the office of the largest independent online media in Belarus — TUT.BY, detained everyone who was there and blocked access to the website. 15 people are still under arrest: current and former employees of TUT.BY, and its partners. According to the State Control Committee, a criminal case has been opened against the executives of TUT BY MEDIA LLC. It is Article 243 part 2 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus — «taxes and fees evasion at especially large scale». The process of declaring the informational products of the portal as extremist materials has also begun. Most of the editorial staff were forced to leave the country. All this time, the news of the portal is published only in official media accounts on social media and Telegram. Part of the team decided to continue full-fledged work on covering the situation in the country and is launching its own media — Zerkalo.io.

    After the destruc­tion of the largest news por­tal in Belarus TUT.BY (*Аccord­ing to Yandex.Metrica, an aver­age 1.8 mil­lion unique vis­i­tors came to TUT.BY in a week­day, and more than 3.3 mil­lion per month), most of the employ­ees had to leave the com­pa­ny, some of them had to leave the coun­try. Soon after the crim­i­nal case, a process to declare the TUT.BY mate­ri­als as extrem­ist mate­ri­als began. A small team of the for­mer edi­to­r­i­al office decid­ed to launch an inde­pen­dent media that will be able to ful­ly cov­er the sit­u­a­tion in Belarus and the world. The web­site was named Zerkalo.io. This name is a ref­er­ence to a mir­ror of TUT.BY that has not yet been launched, as well as a new oppor­tu­ni­ty for the edi­to­r­i­al office to dis­play the real facts of the country’s life («zerka­lo» means «mir­ror» in Russ­ian).

    The new resource has a struc­ture dif­fer­ent from TUT.BY. The por­tal has only five sec­tions: Pol­i­tics and Finance, Life, In the World, Inci­dents, and The Base­ment. The edi­to­r­i­al pol­i­cy is max­i­mal­ly focused on the social and polit­i­cal life of Belarus.

    If the por­tal is blocked on the ter­ri­to­ry of Belarus, access to Zerkalo.io will be pos­si­ble through a VPN. Out­side Belarus, the address opens with­out addi­tion­al set­tings and ser­vices.

    You can also con­tin­ue read­ing the news on social media and Telegram. Thanks to agree­ments with the own­ers of TUT BY MEDIA LLC, Zerkalo.io obtained the right to use TUT.BY accounts on social media. There­fore, soon the logo and the name of the accounts will be changed, and the high stan­dards of jour­nal­ism will be pre­served.

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