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    How much is needed? 15,000€ — The amount collected will go to pay for lawyers, as well as to buy the necessities of life and to cover household expenses for Pavel's family.

    Pavel Belavus has been devel­op­ing projects in the field of Belaru­sian cul­ture and nation­al iden­ti­ty for more than 10 years. He was the orig­i­na­tor of Art Syadz­i­ba, a plat­form where Belaru­sian poets, writ­ers and musi­cians debuted and per­formed. Pavel was the orga­niz­er of famous cul­tur­al events and con­certs — “Day of Vyshy­van­ka” in 2014, the cel­e­bra­tion of the 100th anniver­sary of the BNR in 2018, “Mova Fest” in 2020. Pavel also found­ed the store “Symbal.by”, one of the few places in Min­sk where it was pos­si­ble to buy goods with nation­al sym­bols. And in 2020, Pavel found­ed the pub­lic com­pa­ny “God­na,” whose goal was to cre­ate a mod­ern cul­tur­al foun­da­tion for Belarus.

    Pavel devot­ed most of his con­scious life to the idea of build­ing a “Belaru­sian Belarus,” where peo­ple val­ue their tra­di­tions, use their lan­guage, have nation­al dig­ni­ty, and choose the path of their coun­try. How­ev­er, the cur­rent polit­i­cal regime con­sid­ered these dreams as “extrem­ism” and qual­i­fied them under the crim­i­nal arti­cle “trea­son against the state”.

    On May 11, 2023, Min­sk City Court sen­tenced Pavel Belous to 13 years in a closed tri­al. This is the answer of the polit­i­cal regime not only to Pavel, but to every Belaru­sian who dreams of a state with its own vibrant cul­ture and strong nation­al con­scious­ness of its cit­i­zens. It is an answer for those who are ready to work for the future of inde­pen­dent Belarus.

    Pavel Belavus’s wife Kat­siary­na and two small chil­dren are still at large. They con­fis­cat­ed cars and some house­hold appli­ances from Pavel’s fam­i­ly. All the prop­er­ty in the house (from the clos­et to the ket­tle) has been described and may be con­fis­cat­ed.

    Sup­port the fam­i­ly of Pavel Belavus, a man who gave his free­dom for the love of Belarus!

    Read more:

    Journalism is not a crime! Video of solidarity action organized by BAJ and LUJ in Vilnius

    The authorities are trying to destroy independent journalism in Belarus. Support the Solidarity Marathon!

    “I stay so that those who have been imprisoned or forced to leave have a place to return to”. Motivations of journalists who choose to stay in Belarus


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