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  • State Control Committee visits publisher and director of Binoculars city magazine. Documents and 9 computers are seized.

    In the morning of January 26, officers of the State Control Committee came to the homes of the publisher and the director of the Binoculars city magazine.

    They inspect­ed their homes and the office of the mag­a­zine as part of the check-up into large scale tax eva­sion.

    The direc­tor, the pub­lish­er and her hus­band were released after ques­tion­ing.  The inves­tiga­tive check of the col­lect­ed facts and mate­ri­als can last up to 3 months. It might end with the start of a crim­i­nal case.

    A lot of doc­u­ments, 9 com­put­ers and 2 phones were seized.

    Binoc­u­lars is a pop­u­lar online mag­a­zine cov­er­ing the social and cul­tur­al life of Brest. Jour­nal­ists work­ing with the mag­a­zine were detained sev­er­al times while cov­er­ing the protests in 2020.


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