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  • Several state radio hosts fired in Homel over support of protesters

    Homel City Radio has fired several radio hosts over allegedly supporting the 2020 protesters. The day before, their names appeared in a post on a pro-government Telegram channel.

    On 11 Octo­ber, a post appeared in a pro-gov­ern­ment Telegram chan­nel where a fol­low­er alleged­ly com­plained about 107.4FM radio in Homel that was found­ed and is run by the local exec­u­tive com­mit­tee. Accord­ing to the user, a host expressed his admi­ra­tion for Yury Dud, a pop­u­lar Russ­ian jour­nal­ist and blog­ger, who took an anti­war stance. The lis­ten­er was also out­raged by the fact that the anchor con­grat­u­lat­ed the Russ­ian jour­nal­ist on his birth­day in a live broad­cast.

    The chan­nel lat­er post­ed screen­shots from the social media of radio hosts Art­siom Zabi­ran and Yaraslau Bychk­ous­ki that fea­tured some con­tent relat­ed to the protests and pub­lic fig­ures asso­ci­at­ed with the oppo­si­tion.

    Zerka­lo report­ed that Zabi­ran and Bychkovsky have already been fired. Their names dis­ap­peared from Homel City Radio’s web­site.

    Accord­ing to a source famil­iar with the sit­u­a­tion, oth­er employ­ees also lost their jobs, and inspec­tions of oth­er state media began.

    Medi­a­zona also found out about the dis­missal of Mary­na Turavets. 

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