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  • RSF: Dozens of journalists arrested during protests in Belarus

    Reporters Without Borders (RSF) condemns the arrests of at least 19 journalists and bloggers while covering a crackdown on demonstrations in cities throughout Belarus since 10 March, and the prison sentences imposed on four of them yesterday and today.

    RSF regards the police arrests and the jail terms as major vio­la­tions of media free­dom.

    Two blog­gers, Syarhei Pya­trukhin and Dzmit­ry Har­bunou (of Nar­o­d­ny Repart­sy­or), were sen­tenced to 15 days in prison in the west­ern city of Brest today for alleged­ly tak­ing part in an “unau­tho­rized demon­stra­tion.” Pya­trukhin was tried in absen­tia but Har­bunou attend­ed the hear­ing and was detained imme­di­ate­ly after­wards.

    Vik­tar Andreyeu of Orshatut.by, a local news web­site in the east­ern city of Orsha, and Mak­sim Fil­ipovich, a blog­ger in the south­east­ern city of Homyel, were sen­tenced to 13 days in prison
    yes­ter­day on the same charge.

    Two oth­er Orsha-based jour­nal­ists, Hali­na Abakunchyk of RFE/RL and Kat­syary­na Bakhvala­va of Bel­sat TV, were fined 575 rubles (283 euros) and 690 rubles (340 euros) respec­tive­ly yes­ter­day after being held overnight in police cus­tody.

    “The Belaru­sian author­i­ties must put an imme­di­ate stop to this tar­get­ed and coor­di­nat­ed harass­ment,” said Johann Bihr, the head of RSF’s East­ern Europe and Cen­tral Asia desk.

    “Jour­nal­ists have a right to cov­er events of gen­er­al inter­est, regard­less of their nature. We urge the Euro­pean Union to issue a firm reminder that mas­sive media free­dom vio­la­tions of this kind are incom­pat­i­ble with the con­tin­u­a­tion of a rap­proche­ment between Min­sk and Brus­sels.”

    Many jour­nal­ists were arrest­ed before they could begin to cov­er the protests. They includ­ed Syarhei Serabro, Tat­syana Matsveye­va, Ihar Matsveyeu, Adaryya Hur­shtyn and Syarhei Hudzilin, who were arrest­ed on their arrival at Orsha sta­tion on 12 March and were held for so long that they missed all or most of the demon­stra­tion in Orsha.

    Syarhei Ruset­s­ki , Uladz­imir Lun­y­ou, Yauhen Meriks, Syarhei Kava­ly­ou, Vol­ha Chay­chyts and Andrei Kozel were stopped by traf­fic police while on their way to cov­er a demon­stra­tion in Raha­chou, near Homyel, on 12 March.

    Unusu­al­ly large demon­stra­tions have been tak­ing place in Belarus since late Feb­ru­ary in protest against a new tax on “social par­a­sitism” applic­a­ble to any­one work­ing for less than six months a year.

    Pres­i­dent Alexan­der Lukashenko sus­pend­ed the tax on 9 March but ordered the inte­ri­or min­istry to take “extreme­ly severe mea­sures” against the protests’ “insti­ga­tors” and to restore “per­fect order.” The police began at once to dis­perse the protests with much more ener­gy and at least 70 arrests have so far been made.

    Belarus is ranked 157th out of 180 coun­tries in RSF’s 2016 World Press Free­dom Index.

    BAJ Protests against the Wave of Detentions, Demands Justice

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