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  • Regional mass media representatives searched and detained

    According to BAJ sources, on 15 March, law enforcers searched the editorial office of Slutsk independent publication Infa-Kurier. A search was also conducted in the house of Aliaksandr Mantsevich, editor-in-chief of Rehiyanalnaya Hazeta.

    Dur­ing the search at Infa-Kuri­er, all present were forced to sign nondis­clo­sure state­ments. Edi­to­r­i­al equip­ment was seized.

    Accord­ing to BAJ, three edi­to­r­i­al staff mem­bers were detained, as well as edi­tor-in-chief Siarhei Stanke­vich. On 16 March, it became known that Siarhei Stanke­vich and his deputy Aleh Rubche­nia were placed in the Slut­sk tem­po­rary deten­tion cen­ter. Alleged­ly, they are are accused of defy­ing the police.

    Infa-Kuri­er is pub­lished on paper and online and focus­es on social and polit­i­cal issues.

    After the search at Ali­ak­san­dr Mantsevich’s home, the Rehiyanal­naya Haze­ta’s edi­tor-in-chief was arrest­ed and detained on unknown grounds.

    Rehiyanal­naya Haze­ta is the lead­ing inde­pen­dent social and polit­i­cal news­pa­per in Mal­adzech­na and the Mal­adzech­na Dis­trict. In 2022, the author­i­ties declared the con­tent on its web­site as extrem­ist and since then, the news­pa­per has been pub­lished on social media.

    As of this morn­ing, at least five media work­ers remain in cus­tody.

    Bel­sayuz­druk, the nation­al dis­tri­b­u­tion kiosk chain, refused to sell the last issue of the news­pa­per.

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