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  • Ranak TV channel staff members detained and fined

    The arrested employees of the Ranak TV channel have been charged with administrative offenses. They were accused of broadcasting “extremist” content. The court sentenced the arrested men to seven days of administrative detention, while the women were fined, Mediazona Belarus reported, citing the Homel chapter of the Viasna Human Rights Center.

    The human rights defend­ers not­ed that law enforce­ment offi­cers arrest­ed nine employ­ees of Ranak-Media and Ranak-Rekla­ma. Ear­li­er, Homel Vias­na report­ed eight deten­tions: Andrei Lip­s­ki, jour­nal­ist, Pavel Rabko, cam­era­man, Vadz­im Vezh­navets, edi­tor-in-chief of the media com­pa­ny, Uladz­imir Papou, cam­era­man, Mary­na Bychk­ouskaya, mar­ket­ing spe­cial­ist, Ale­na Kisialio­va, chief accoun­tant, Krystsi­na Kazialko­va, sec­re­tary, Han­na Zhurskaya, and Eliza­ve­ta Shavialen­ka.

    Zhurskaya is preg­nant. She has been released pend­ing tri­al, human rights activists say. Shavialen­ka was also released before tri­al on the grounds of dis­abil­i­ty.

    Human rights activists note that all the women were detained in dif­fer­ent places after work­ing hours. Homel Vias­na, cit­ing its sources, report­ed that the rea­son for the deten­tion was the cov­er­age by Ranak jour­nal­ists of the acci­dent at the Svet­la­horsk pulp and paper mill.

    Read more:

    “I stay so that those who have been imprisoned or forced to leave have a place to return to”. Motivations of journalists who choose to stay in Belarus

    “If one of us is imprisoned, the other one takes the child and leaves the country.” The key from the report of human rights activists on the psychological state of political emigrants

    «We stand by the truth, we stand together!» A marathon of solidarity with the imprisoned journalists started in Vilnius


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