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  • Police seize equipment from journalists working with Belsat

    In Hrodna, the police conducted searches at the local freelance journalists who cooperate with television channel – Alyaksandr Dzyanisau and Alyaksei Kairys.

    Dzyanisau and Kairys were detained by peo­ple in civil­ian clothes in the after­noon and spent 2,5 hours in the police precinct. Then the police went to con­duct search­es in their homes.

    About 21.50. search at the Kairys’ place end­ed: law enforcers seized 3 com­put­ers, a phone and a hard dri­ve with flash dri­ves. The search was car­ried out with­in the frame­work of the inves­ti­ga­tion into two cas­es — work with­out accred­i­ta­tion and insult. Prob­a­bly, it is about the insult­ing the head of the ser­vice sta­tion of Lenin­sky dis­trict of Hrod­na, Svy­at­lana Zhylin­skaya, who was men­tioned in the sto­ry of “Bel­sat” pub­lished on 20.04.2018.

    At Alyak­san­dr Dzyanisau’s place. the police seized a video cam­era, tele­phone and oth­er equip­ment.

    Dzyanisau and Kairys could face charges of insult­ing a per­son. They wrote about it on Face­book.

    “I do not know any­thing yet, except that an inspec­tion is under­way under the crim­i­nal code. That is, they want to accuse us of break­ing the crim­i­nal code: libel and insult, as I under­stand it,” wrote Alyak­san­dr Dzyanisau.

    The con­tact with jour­nal­ists is lim­it­ed due to con­fis­cat­ed equip­ment, includ­ing the tele­phones.

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