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  • Police search journalist Dzmitry Lupach’s home in Hlybokaje

    Lupach is a freelance journalist who fled Belarus two and a half years ago due to administrative harassment for working with independent media. In July 2021, just before his departure, he was detained for three days as part of a criminal case for allegedly inciting ethnic hatred.

    There­fore, his three-bed­room apart­ment on Saveck­a­ja Street in Hly­boka­je has been emp­ty since then.

    On Decem­ber 6, the police tried to enter Lupach’s apart­ment, accord­ing to eye­wit­ness­es. Once they real­ized nobody was inside, they called the fire­fight­ers, who broke down the door. A search was con­duct­ed, and the journalist’s apart­ment was sealed.

    “There is noth­ing remark­able inside the apart­ment. I’m not sure if they found any­thing ‘extrem­ist’ amongst my belong­ings, unless the objects were dear to me, such as my books. We nev­er had any­thing of great val­ue, like expen­sive appli­ances, furs, or dia­monds, so there’s noth­ing that bur­glars could steal,” said the jour­nal­ist who now resides in War­saw after leav­ing his home­land.

    Dzmit­ry Lupach also men­tioned that he had been receiv­ing dis­turb­ing mes­sages and threats from some­one iden­ti­fied as “Mikhail Romanov” on Telegram for the past two months. He wrote that the jour­nal­ist should stop his non­sense and, before going too far, con­tact the “repa­tri­a­tion com­mis­sion,” express remorse, and move to Belarus. The mys­te­ri­ous per­son even offered the inde­pen­dent jour­nal­ist a par­don for “repen­tance”.

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