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  • Police raid journos’ places, editorial office in Mahiliou region


    The place of Byalynichy-based journalist Barys Vyrvich was searched on Friday morning, the human rights centre Viasna

    More­over, secu­ri­ty offi­cers unex­pect­ed­ly vis­it­ed cam­era­man Yauhen Hlushk­ou, from whom they con­fis­cat­ed all equip­ment; notably, they failed to issue any doc­u­ment con­firm­ing the seizure. Hlushk­ou was tak­en to the police depart­ment, where he was inter­ro­gat­ed as part of a crim­i­nal case under Arti­cle 188 of the Crim­i­nal Code (‘defama­tion’). The man was also forced to give out a pass­word under the threat of arrest.

    The two jour­nal­ists have the sta­tus of a wit­nesse in crim­i­nal cas­es.

    The edi­to­r­i­al office of por­tal 6TV has been raid­ed in Mahil­iou, MAYDAY reports. Secu­ri­ty forces broke into the rooms in the absence of own­ers and work­ers and con­duct­ed a search. The footage below shows what they have left behind.


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