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  • Police Officer Visited ‘Gazeta Slonimskaya’ Editorial after a Publication about Hazing

    The ‘Gazeta Slonimskaya’ (Slonim, Hrodna region) newspaper journalists were asked to provide explanations in the written form about the way they had been preparing the article “There’s no hazing in the Lithuanian army. The barracks are cleaned every day by a scrubwoman there...

    The pub­li­ca­tion was con­tributed to ‘Gaze­ta Slonim­skaya’ week­ly by the news­pa­per jour­nal­ists Tat­siana Plakhet­ka, Miki­ta Pas­tuk­ou, and Miko­la Kananovich in Octo­ber 2017.

    Dzmit­ry Kirykau, a police offi­cer from Slonim Dis­trict Police Depart­ment came to the ‘Gaze­ta Slonim­skaya’ edi­to­r­i­al before lunch on Novem­ber 9th. He asked the news­pa­per jour­nal­ists to pro­vide expla­na­tions as for the ways they had been prepar­ing the arti­cle about haz­ing.

    ‘We’ve received an order from the region­al police author­i­ties to con­duct a check on the fact of this pub­li­ca­tion about haz­ing. The top­ic is under spe­cial con­trol these days,’ — the senior lieu­tenant explained the rea­son of his vis­it to ‘Gaze­ta Slonim­skaya’ edi­to­r­i­al head­quar­ters.

    The jour­nal­ists pro­vid­ed expla­na­tions to the police offi­cer. How­ev­er, they didn’t reveal the names and con­tacts of the pub­li­ca­tion sources. A ‘Gaze­ta Slonim­skaya’ cor­re­spon­dent Miko­la Kananovich made a self­ie with the police­man and asked his col­league to take a pic­ture of his expla­na­tion note to the police.

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