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  • Police detains at least 40 journalists on October 11 LIST

    On October 11, at least 40 journalists were detained in Belarus. The police detained journalists even before the protesters gathered in the streets.


    Natalia Fedosenko (TASS) — was detained twice, released with­out pro­to­cols.

    Gavri­il Grig­orov (TASS) — was detained twice, released with­out pro­to­cols.

    Valeriy Stepchenkov (TASS) — was detained twice, released with­out pro­to­cols.

    Siarhei Sat­siuk (Bela­pan)

    Tat­siana Kar­avenko­va (Bela­pan)

    Ale­na Talk­a­cho­va (Bela­pan and Tut.by)

    Yuri Shamshur (TASS) — released after some time with­out pro­to­col.

    Dzmit­ry Dzmit­ryeu (Novy Chas)

    Nas­ta Boi­ka (Belarusy i Rynok)

    Ali­ak­sei Ivashke­vich (Belarusy i Rynok)

    Zmitser Mitske­vich (Bel­sat)

    Svi­ataslau Zor­ki ( «Kom­so­mol­skaya Prav­da in Belarus») — released after some time with­out pro­to­col.

    Ales Dobysh ( «Kom­so­mol­skaya Prav­da in Belarus») — released after some time with­out pro­to­col.

    Ali­ak­san­dr Ruzhachka (Onliner.by)

    Ali­ak­san­dr Ula­dy­ka (Onliner.by)

    Ali­ak­sei Nosau (Onliner.by)

    Ire­na Kat­sialovich (Nasha Niva)

    Nadzeya Buzhan (Nasha Niva)

    Yahor Martsi­novich (Nasha Niva)

    Vik­tar Talochka ( Sput­nik) — released after some time with­out pro­to­col.

    Han­na Kalty­hi­na ( Tut.by) — released after some time with­out pro­to­col.

    Ramil Nasi­bu­lin (BelTA) — released after some time with­out pro­to­col.

    Andrei Pakumei­ka (BelTA) — released after some time with­out pro­to­col.

    Aksana Manchuk (BelTA) — released after some time with­out pro­to­col.

    Siarhei Papou ( «RIA Novosti») — released after some time with­out pro­to­col.



    Vol­ha Kami­ahi­na (Tut.by and Nar­o­d­naya Volia ) — released after some time with­out pro­to­col.

    Mary­na Khare­vich ( Bela­pan) — released after some time with­out pro­to­col.

    Siarhei Lud­ke­vich ( Bela­pan) — released after some time with­out pro­to­col.

    Daria Spe­vak (Onliner.by) — released after some time with­out pro­to­col.

    Ale­na Kavalchuk (hrodna.life) — released after 5 hours of deten­tion in the police depart­ment. Report on 22.9 and 23.34 of the Admin­is­tra­tive Code. The cam­era and phone were con­fis­cat­ed.



    Zmitser Kaza­ke­vich (Bel­sat)

    Viachaslau Laza­rau (Bel­sat)

    Tat­siana Matveye­va (Tut.by, Bela­pan) — released after some time with­out pro­to­col.

    Ales Pilet­s­ki (Tut.by, Nar­o­d­naya Volya) — released after some time with­out pro­to­col.

    Siarhei Serabro (Nar­o­d­nya Naviny Viteb­s­ka) — released after some time with­out pro­to­col.



    Ales Asipt­sou (Bela­pan)

    Anzha­li­ka Zait­sa­va (TUT.BY and «Nar­o­d­naya Volya»)



    Ale­na Her­manovich (Bela­pan) — released after some time with­out pro­to­col.

    Ale­na Bychko­va (Tut.by, Nar­o­d­naya Volya) — released after some time with­out pro­to­col.

    Pavel Mitske­vich (Kom­so­mol­skaya Prav­da v Belarusi) — released after some time with­out pro­to­col.



    Milana Khary­ton­a­va

    Ales Liauchuk

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