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  • Pavel Mazheika walks free!

    Journalist Pavel Mazheika was released from the detention center today, as the police decided that "grounds for his detention disappeared".

    How­ev­er, inves­ti­ga­tors said that they could sum­mon him for inter­ro­ga­tion any time, Bel­sat TV reports.

    Pavel Mazhei­ka is a well known Belaru­sian jour­nal­ist. He is the head of the pri­vate Urban Life Cen­ter, which recent­ly exhib­it­ed paint­ings by Ales Pushkin.

    On the morn­ing of March 26 Mazhei­ka was sum­moned to the pros­e­cu­tor’s office in Hrod­na, where he was detained and tak­en into cus­tody. The crim­i­nal case under arti­cle 130 of the Crim­i­nal Code was start­ed because of one of the exhibits. On March 19 Ales Pushkin showed a por­trait of Yauhen Zhy­har, a mem­ber of the post-WWII anti-Sovi­et par­ti­san group with a gun on his shoul­der.

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