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  • Over 100 Nobel Laureates join PEN International in support of Nobel Peace Prize winner Ales Bialiatski

    21 May: PEN International, the literary and free expression organisation, has released a letter signed by 103 Nobel Laureates, expressing solidarity with writer, human rights defender, Nobel Peace Prize winner, and PEN member Ales Bialiatski, and condemning the Belarusian authorities’ brutal, relentless, and systematic crackdown on independent voices. Today marks the International Day of Solidarity with Prisoners of Conscience in Belarus. The solidarity action was featured in the Guardian.

    We, the under­signed Nobel Lau­re­ates, call for the imme­di­ate and uncon­di­tion­al release of our col­league – writer, human rights defend­er, Nobel Peace Prize win­ner, and PEN mem­ber Ales Biali­ats­ki.

    Ales Biali­ats­ki has devot­ed his life to the pro­mo­tion of democ­ra­cy and human rights in Belarus. He has dared to hold Pres­i­dent Ali­ak­san­dr Lukašen­ka account­able for his bru­tal, relent­less, and sys­tem­at­ic crack­down on inde­pen­dent voic­es. For this, he is pay­ing the heav­i­est price: ten years in prison on spu­ri­ous grounds. 

    Biali­ats­ki is a sym­bol of hope and an inspi­ra­tion to human rights defend­ers around the world, who should be cel­e­brat­ed as such. Instead, he finds him­self behind bars, along­side five mem­bers of the Human Rights Cen­tre Vias­na (‘Spring’), which he found­ed with the very pur­pose of sup­port­ing those harassed and per­se­cut­ed by the Belaru­sian author­i­ties. 

    In Decem­ber 2022, Biali­ats­ki was barred from deliv­er­ing his accep­tance speech at the Nobel Peace Prize cer­e­mo­ny in Oslo, where he was hailed as a bea­con of light for the region, and beyond.

    The world deserves to hear Bialiatski’s voice.

    We stand with Biali­ats­ki and fel­low mem­bers of Vias­na – Mar­fa Rabko­va, Valiantsin Ste­fanovich, Uladz­imir Labkovich, Leanid Sudalen­ka, Andrei Chapiuk – and call for their con­vic­tions to be over­turned as a mat­ter of urgency, and their sen­tences to be annulled.

    We stand with the mul­ti­tude of writ­ers, jour­nal­ists, cul­tur­al work­ers, human rights defend­ers, and cit­i­zens of Belarus who are serv­ing lengthy prison terms mere­ly for peace­ful­ly express­ing their views and speak­ing truth to pow­er.

    We stand with the fear­less peo­ple of Belarus who con­tin­ue to fight for their human rights.

    In the words of Biali­ats­ki – we, too, believe, because we know that spring always comes after win­ter.



    Nobel Prize in Chem­istry Lau­re­ates: Peter Agre (2003), Thomas R. Cech (1989), Mar­tin Chal­fie (2008), Emmanuelle Char­p­en­tier (2020), Aaron Ciechanover (2004), Elias James Corey (1990), Johann Deisen­hofer (1988), Jacques Dubo­chet (2017), Joachim Frank (2017), Alan Heeger (2000), Richard Hen­der­son (2017), Dud­ley R. Her­schbach (1986), Roald Hoff­mann (1981), Robert Huber (1988), Mar­tin Karplus (2013), Bri­an K. Kobil­ka (2012), Roger D. Korn­berg (2006), Yuan T. Lee (1986), Robert J. Lefkowitz (2012), Jean-Marie Lehn (1987), Hart­mut Michel (1988), John C. Polanyi (1986), Jean-Pierre Sauvage (2016), Richard R. Schrock (2005), Arieh Warshel (2013), M. Stan­ley Whit­ting­ham (2019).

    Nobel Prize in Eco­nom­ic Sci­ences Lau­re­ates: Esther Duflo (2019), Oliv­er Hart (2016), Gui­do W. Imbens (2021), Finn E. Kyd­land (2004), Eric S. Maskin (2007), Paul R. Mil­grom (2020), Edmund S. Phelps (2006), Alvin E. Roth (2012), Ver­non L. Smith (2002), Joseph E. Stiglitz (2001).

    Nobel Prize in Lit­er­a­ture Lau­re­ates: Svet­lana Alex­ievich (2015), J. M. Coet­zee (2003), Annie Ernaux (2022), Louise Gluck (2020), Abdul­razak Gur­nah (2021), Kazuo Ishig­uro (2017), Elfriede Jelinek (2004), Patrick Modi­ano (2014), Her­ta Muller (2009), Orhan Pamuk (2006), Wole Soyin­ka (1986), Olga Tokar­czuk (2018), Mario Var­gas Llosa (2010).

    Nobel Prize in Med­i­cine Lau­re­ates: Har­vey J. Alter (2020), J. Michael Bish­op (1989), Eliz­a­beth H. Black­burn (2009), Mario R. Capec­chi (2007), Andrew Z. Fire (2006), Car­ol W. Grei­der (2009), Jef­frey Con­nor Hall (2017), Har­ald zur Hausen (2008), Jules A. Hoff­mann (2011), Tasuku Hon­jo (2018), Sir Michael Houghton (2020), Tim Hunt (2001), Louis J. Ignar­ro (1998), Eric R. Kan­del (2000), Bar­ry J. Mar­shall (2005), Craig C. Mel­lo (2006), Edvard Moser (2014), May-Britt Moser (2014), Erwin Neher (1991), Sir Paul M. Nurse (2001), Stan­ley B. Prusin­er (1997), Sir Peter J. Rat­cliffe (2019), Charles M. Rice (2020), Sir Richard J. Roberts (1993), Michael Ros­bash (2017), James E. Roth­man (2013), Gregg L. Semen­za (2019), Hamil­ton O. Smith (1978), Harold E. Var­mus (1989), Eric F. Wieschaus (1995), Torsten N. Wiesel (1981).

    Nobel Peace Prize Lau­re­ates: Shirin Eba­di (2003), Dmit­ry Mura­tov (2021), Maria Ressa (2021), Oscar Arias Sanchez (1987), Juan Manuel San­tos (2016).

    Nobel Prize in Physics Lau­re­ates: Bar­ry Clark Bar­ish (2017), Albert Fert (2007), Jerome I. Fried­man (1990), John L. Hall (2005), Serge Haroche (2012), Takaa­ki Kaji­ta (2015), Wolf­gang Ket­ter­le (2001), Antho­ny J. Leggett (2003), John C. Math­er (2006), Michel May­or (2019), Kon­stan­tin Novoselov (2010), Roger Pen­rose (2020), William D. Phillips (1997), H. David Politzer (2004), Horst L. Stormer (1998), Kip Stephen Thorne (2017), Daniel C. Tsui (1998), Robert Woodrow Wil­son (1978).

    With spe­cial thanks to J.M Coet­zee and Sir Richard J. Roberts.

    Addi­tion­al infor­ma­tion

    On 14 July 2021, Ales Biali­ats­ki was detained along­side sev­er­al Vias­na col­leagues fol­low­ing raids by Belaru­sian law enforce­ment offi­cers on more than a dozen civ­il soci­ety and human rights organ­i­sa­tions. He was trans­ferred to pre-tri­al deten­tion on 17 July on trumped-up charges of tax eva­sion. He was sub­se­quent­ly charged with smug­gling (Arti­cle 228.4 of the Belaru­sian Crim­i­nal Code) and organ­is­ing and financ­ing actions that gross­ly vio­late pub­lic order (Arti­cle 342.2 of the Belaru­sian Crim­i­nal Code). In Decem­ber 2022, Biali­ats­ki was award­ed the Nobel Peace Prize togeth­er with the Russ­ian human rights organ­i­sa­tion Memo­r­i­al, and the Ukrain­ian human rights organ­i­sa­tion Cen­ter for Civ­il Lib­er­ties – a fit­ting trib­ute to their fear­less work. Biali­ats­ki was sen­tenced to 10 years in prison on 3 March 2023, along­side Vias­na Board Mem­ber Valiantsin Ste­fanovich and lawyer Uladz­imir Labkovich – who were sen­tenced to nine years and sev­en years in prison, respec­tive­ly. Biali­ats­ki was first jailed in 2011, spend­ing 1052 days behind bars.

    The cri­sis in Belarus that broke out in 2020 shows no signs of abat­ing, as the rights to free­dom of expres­sion, asso­ci­a­tion and peace­ful assem­bly remain under sus­tained onslaught. The Belaru­sian author­i­ties have respond­ed with bru­tal­i­ty and repres­sion against crit­ics and moved to ‘purge’ civ­il soci­ety, notably dis­solv­ing PEN Belarus in August 2021. Scores of inde­pen­dent pub­lish­ing hous­es have been raid­ed for pro­mot­ing books by Belaru­sian writ­ers and in Belaru­sian lan­guage, and their activ­i­ties sus­pend­ed under far-fetched pre­tences. PEN Belarus doc­u­ment­ed 1390 cul­tur­al and human rights vio­la­tions against cul­tur­al fig­ures in 2022 alone. In Decem­ber 2022, PEN Belarus notably pub­lished a book about Ales Biali­ats­ki, fea­tur­ing his writ­ings.

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