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  • One More Belsat Cameraman Charged with Obscene Vocabulary

    Cameraman Ales Liubianchuk was detained during seraches at Belsat office in Kastrychnitskaya street. He was taken to the police department where he spent around 5 hours.

    UPD The jour­nal­ist was sud­den­ly released at 7 pm. He was not told when the tri­al would take place.

    Nobody could wit­ness what was hap­pen­ing inside the office or at the police depart­ment. The jour­nal­ist named the police depart­ment he was tak­en to against the force of the offi­cers who pushed him in the car. At the police depart­ment, he was charged with using foul lan­guage, this is minor hooli­gan­ism, arti­cle 17.1.

    UPD This is not exact­ly already. Pre­vi­ous­ly, the tri­al was sched­uled for Mon­day at 9 am.

    We remind that anoth­er cam­era­man of the chan­nel Alexan­der Barazen­ka was sene­tenced to 15 days arrest under the same charges, although the video of deten­tion con­tra­dicts to police’s tes­ti­mo­ny. He is on hunger strike. The judge Tat­siana Matyl who sen­tenced Barazen­ka him is famous for fre­quent­ly sen­tenc­ing polit­i­cal activists under this arti­cle.

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