One More Belsat Cameraman Charged with Obscene Vocabulary
Cameraman Ales Liubianchuk was detained during seraches at Belsat office in Kastrychnitskaya street. He was taken to the police department where he spent around 5 hours.
UPD The journalist was suddenly released at 7 pm. He was not told when the trial would take place.
Nobody could witness what was happening inside the office or at the police department. The journalist named the police department he was taken to against the force of the officers who pushed him in the car. At the police department, he was charged with using foul language, this is minor hooliganism, article 17.1.
UPD This is not exactly already. Previously, the trial was scheduled for Monday at 9 am.
We remind that another cameraman of the channel Alexander Barazenka was senetenced to 15 days arrest under the same charges, although the video of detention contradicts to police’s testimony. He is on hunger strike. The judge Tatsiana Matyl who sentenced Barazenka him is famous for frequently sentencing political activists under this article.