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  • Novy Chas warned by Ministry of Information. Two warnings are enough for starting liquidation procedure

    "Interdepartmental commission concluded that the information published in the Novy Chas newspaper (#3 of 2021/01/22 and # 4 of 2021/01/29) is detrimental to the national interests of the Republic of Belarus. The Ministry of Information requires the newspaper to correct the violations in the next issue and to inform the Ministry about that.

    An issue of Novy Chas news­pa­per

    Accord­ing to the Min­istry of Infor­ma­tion, Novy Chas pub­lished the fol­low­ing arti­cles in vio­la­tion of the Law on Mass Media:

    «Why there was, and there will be no dia­log», page 4, # 3 of 22 Jan­u­ary 2021;

    «Crim­i­nal» 2020. How and what pro­test­ers received prison terms for»; page 5,# 3 of 22 Jan­u­ary 2021;

    «Peo­ple were beat­en hard while I was ques­tioned near­by. Noone cared», page 6–7, # 3 of 22 Jan­u­ary 2021;

    «Ghet­to for those in pow­er» page  3, № 4 of Jan­u­ary 29, 2021.

    «What prob­lem do those who think they have pow­er have with the inde­pen­dent media?  Why have they been hunt­ing for inde­pen­dent jour­nal­ists for so many months already? Some are not print­ed, some lost their media sta­tus, and some have been thrown behind bars. What for? For the truth. The truth today is the worst crime. Espe­cial­ly if mil­lions of peo­ple want to know the truth», — chief edi­tor of Novy Chas Aksana Kolb com­ments on the let­ter from the Min­istry.

    – The Min­istry of Infor­ma­tion demands «to elim­i­nate the vio­la­tions in ques­tion in the next issue of the news­pa­per, and to report to the Min­istry not lat­er than 5 April 2021». They don’t tell us how to fix them. Should we with­draw all copies of the issue and burn them? Or, write that every­thing in these arti­cles was a lie? I won­der what dif­fer­ence would it make. Would Poli­na, who went through the men­tal and phys­i­cal tor­ture, sud­den­ly get amne­sia? Or, would numer­ous absurd sen­tences passed recent­ly become law­ful? If so, then, dear read­ers , please con­sid­er every­thing that you see in the above men­tioned arti­cles in the issues 3 and 4 as detri­men­tal to the nation­al secu­ri­ty, so for­get every­thing, and don’t tell any­one.

    Although I believe that the nation­al inter­ests of my beloved Belarus are dam­aged by some very dif­fer­ent actions.»

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