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  • Nasta Zakharevich and Ilya Dabratvor detained in Minsk

    Journalist Nasta Zakharevich was detained in a flower shop near the GUM department store in Minsk. Previously, she was detained exactly 2 months ago and spent seven days behind bars.

    Jour­nal­ist Nas­ta Zakhare­vich was detained in a flower shop near the GUM depart­ment store in Min­sk. Pre­vi­ous­ly, she was detained exact­ly 2 months ago and spent sev­en days behind bars.

    The jour­nal­ist stood at the Inde­pen­dence Avenue, where peo­ple with dis­abil­i­ties marched to protest against police vio­lence and fraud­u­lent elec­tions.  Riot police­men rushed after her. Zakhare­vich walked into the flower shop, where she was detained. The rea­son for this deten­tion is unknown.

    Also, the police detained Ilya Dabratvor who was cov­er­ing the march of peo­ple with dis­abil­i­ties. This deten­tion took place at about 4 p.m. Lat­er Dabratvor was released from a police sta­tion. He has­n’t seen Zakhare­vich there.


    Repres­sions against jour­nal­ists in Belarus, 2020 (chart)


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