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  • Narodnaya Volya journalist jailed for 30 days

    On May 28 police detained Hlafira Zhuk, a journalist from Minsk. Next evening, she was found in the Maskouski district police department, charged with violation of an Administrative Code. Later the journalist was transferred to Akrestsina detention center.

    On May 31 Maskouski district court of Minsk sentenced Ms Zhuk to 30 days of jail.

    On May 14 the jour­nal­ist was cov­er­ing the tri­al on the «stu­dents’ case» for Nar­o­d­naya Volya. Then the police detained sev­er­al peo­ple near the court build­ing, includ­ing TUT.BY reporter Liubou Kaspi­arovich. Kaspi­arovich was charged with par­tic­i­pa­tion in an unsanc­tioned ral­ly and sen­tenced to 15 days of jail. She has just served her sen­tence and was released on Sat­ur­day, May 29.

    Ms Kasper­ovich shared some details about the con­di­tions at Akrestsi­na cen­ter:

    — We were not giv­en bed linen and had no oppor­tu­ni­ty to take a show­er. We could see that the peo­ple in the cell across the cor­ri­dor had bed linen. We could see their slip­pers and bed­spreads through the food hatch. We had to sleep on bare bed frames. It was more com­fort­able to sleep on the floor. The only walk­ing was three to four thou­sand steps in the cell until one gets tired of count­ing. We used wet wipes and a bot­tle of water instead of show­er­ing.

    Lubou got her two parcels with food and warm clothes only when she was leav­ing the jail. The clothes that she was detained in and a pack of masks her col­leagues man­aged to get to her while she was still at the police sta­tion were the only things that she had dur­ing her 15 days in jail. Oth­er clothes and hygiene prod­ucts, includ­ing a tooth­brush, were nev­er giv­en to her by the jail admin­is­tra­tion. Lubou explains, she could not sleep nor­mal­ly dur­ing her whole term in jail:

    — It was dif­fi­cult to fall asleep, it was cold, and we lay on the floor. In addi­tion, the per­son­nel had a spe­cial pol­i­cy towards the so-called “polit­i­cal” cells — they woke us up at 2 and 4 a.m., each night. They call out everyone’s names, and we had to respond, or to get up.

    Hlafi­ra Zhuk was arrest­ed the day Kaspi­arovich walked free.

    Today she turns 20 years old.  She got the 30-day jail sen­tence right on her birth­day. Hlafi­ra has been at Akrestsi­na deten­tion cen­ter since Sat­ur­day.

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