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  • Winners of Volnaye Slova 2024 competition announced!

    The results of the tra­di­tion­al annu­al Vol­naye Slo­va (Free Word) con­test, which aims to improve the pro­fes­sion­al skills of media work­ers and encour­age tal­ent­ed jour­nal­ists, were announced in Vil­nius on Sep­tem­ber 12.

    Pho­to: BAJ

    Andrei Bas­tunets, chair­man of the Belaru­sian Asso­ci­a­tion of Jour­nal­ists, men­tioned that the Vol­naye Slo­va con­test was ini­ti­at­ed in 2006 by media man­ag­er Andrei Ali­ak­san­drau.

    «We are used to award­ing prizes for courage, but why don’t we rec­og­nize the pro­fes­sion­al­ism of jour­nal­ists?

    Pho­to: BAJ

    For the last two years the Vol­naye Slo­va con­test has been held under the aus­pices of the Euro­pean Fed­er­a­tion of Jour­nal­ists, for which we are sin­cere­ly grate­ful,» Bas­tunets said.

    Pho­to: BAJ

    This year, in all nom­i­na­tions, except for the «Inves­tiga­tive Jour­nal­ism» nom­i­na­tion, the jury eval­u­at­ed text and video mate­ri­als sep­a­rate­ly. There was also a sep­a­rate prize for the lat­ter.

    Pho­to: BAJ

    More than 140 jour­nal­is­tic works were sub­mit­ted to the com­pe­ti­tion.

    Pho­to: BAJ

    The list of win­ners and the titles of their works can be found in the Belaru­sian sec­tion of the web­site.

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