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  • Free Word Winners Announced on Press Freedom Day

    BAJ joins celebrations of the World Press Freedom Day and expresses words of support and gratitude to those who stick to principles of professional and conscientious journalism.

    This year, Belaru­sian jour­nal­ists have faced with exces­sive pres­sure from offi­cials – over 130 inci­dents o deten­tions, admin­is­tra­tive cas­es, search­es and warn­ings have been reg­is­tered by our mon­i­tor­ing ser­vice. Still, we hope that none pres­sure can pre­vent jour­nal­ists from pro­fes­sion­al work.

    Today, BAJ tra­di­tion­al­ly announces the win­ners of the pro­fes­sion­al con­test of BAJ for jour­nal­ists Vol­naye Slo­va (Free Word). The award­ing cer­e­mo­ny has been held today at the gallery “Ў” in Min­sk.

    Also, today the exhi­bi­tion of the win­ners of the World Press Pho­to is to be launched at 5 pm at the gallery of Cekh (Kas­trych­nit­skaya street, 16), and it will work until May 24.

    Win­ners of Vol­naye Slo­va 2017:

    Infor­ma­tion­al gen­res:

    1. Siarhei Mali­nous­ki, Kom­so­mol­skaya Prav­da v Belorus­sii, “Sergey Mikhalok: the fat boy with har­mon­i­ca has not gone away – he is in my mind” (Ru)

    2. Adar­ja Hushtyn, Naviny.by, “Democ­ra­cy is in Eng­land, here you stay three meters away from the table” (Ru)

    3. Uladz Shvi­adovich, Iry­na Arak­houskaya, Nasha Niva, “Nazi­ra and Man­sour. Why they flee?» (By)

    Ana­lyt­i­cal gen­res:

    1. Vik­tar Martsi­novich, Die Zeit, “A short course of total­i­tar­i­an lin­guis­tics” (Ge)

    2. Yahor Martsi­novich, Nasha Niva, “110 can­di­dates to be “elect­ed” to Par­lia­ment — check after the elec­tions” (By)

    3. Rus­lan Har­ba­chou, Sal­i­dar­nasc, “What the “gold rain” has led to, pour­ing over Lukashenko’s small home­land” (Ru)


    Fea­ture gen­res:

    1. Ali­ak­san­dr Fiadu­ta, Naviny.by, Cycle “Lukashenko’s five elec­toral cam­paigns” (Ru)

    2. Maria Bulavin­skaya, Bel­sat, «Over the sys­tem» (By)

    3. Vital Tsy­hank­ou, Radio Svabo­da, “To pre­vent “Min­sknash”: to change the Russ­ian lit­er­a­ture for world lit­er­a­ture in schools” (By)


    1. Art­siom Har­bat­se­vich, Nasha Niva, “Belaru­sian school pupils sent to Rus­sia train­ing camps guid­ed by neo-Nazis” (By)

    5. Siarhei Sys, Svo­bod­ny­je Novosti Plus, Cycle “Secrets of the shoot­ing cor­ri­dor” (By)

    2. Mary­na Kok­tysh, Nar­o­d­naya Volya, “Case of Evgeniy Miko­lut­s­ki” (Ru)


    1. Kat­siary­na Bakhvala­va, Radio Svabo­da, “We came to vis­it your Bac’ka — Russ­ian troops near the Belaru­sian bor­der” (By)

    2. Vic­to­ria Kap­skaya, Ime­na, “Par­ents, are you crazy? Why 11-year-old Poli­na from Slut­sk did not believe that a fam­i­ly would be found for her” (Ru)

    3. Ale­sia Malakovich, Intex-press, “Gyp­sy baron Niko­lay Bazyle­vich from Baranavichy: “I dream that my grand­son become a judge” (Ru)

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