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  • Ministry of Information blocks Plan B media

    Recently, Belarusian authorities labelled this site's content as extremist.

    Present­ly, MTS inter­net provider does not pro­vide access to the site.

    «How­ev­er, oth­er providers are expect­ed to fol­low suit soon. The Belaru­sian bureau­cra­cy is known for being slow, yet goal-ori­ent­ed,» stat­ed the site’s edi­to­r­i­al board.

    This award is the sec­ond time the Belaru­sian state has recog­nised the medi­a’s qual­i­ty with­in one week.

    The edi­tors stat­ed, «We now know for cer­tain that we are doing the right thing, and we will keep report­ing the truth about what is hap­pen­ing in the coun­try.»

    Plan B is a media out­let that cov­ers pol­i­tics, econ­o­my, and the life of Belaru­sians on both sides of the bor­der. Vol­ha Loi­ka, who was pre­vi­ous­ly the edi­tor-in-chief of the TUT.BY polit­i­cal and eco­nom­ic sec­tion, is now the edi­tor-in-chief of this media out­let.

    Read more:

    “We call for the restoration of press freedom”. Australian organizations show solidarity with jailed journalists from Belarus

    Reporters Without Borders expressed solidarity with imprisoned Belarusian journalists in 12 countries

    Belarusian media workers gathered in Batumi central square with portraits of imprisoned journalists

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