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  • MFA brings Raman Pratasevich to briefing. He states he is not betraying anyone «but just cooperating with investigation»

    At the beginning of the briefing, it was stated that "Mr. Pratasevich wanted to talk to the media, and we found a legal way to do that."  Recalled, Raman is being held in jail.

    BBC reporter Jon­ah Fish­er left the MFA brief­ing in Min­sk, where they brought Prata­se­vich. «We just came out. Not tak­ing part when he is clear­ly there under duress.» — he tweet­ed.
    At the begin­ning of the brief­ing, Raman Prata­se­vich said that the infor­ma­tion that he had been beat­en per­son­al­ly by Alexan­der Lukashenko was a joke.

    The bruis­es on his hands vis­i­ble in the video released after his arrest were traces of zip ties.

    Raman claimed he was fine, and had no com­plaints, «no one laid a fin­ger on me,» he said. He urged not to cre­ate rumors, because the hostages of this sit­u­a­tion are his par­ents in Poland and Sofia Sape­ha (who is in jail).

    «I see that my par­ents are being used: they attend protest actions, etc. I am con­vinced that they can safe­ly return to Belarus.»

    —  Mom, Dad, do not wor­ry, every­thing is just fine, —  he said.

    Prata­se­vich claimed that nobody forced him to coop­er­ate with the inves­ti­ga­tion or to speak in pub­lic.  He said he under­stood «what dam­age he had caused to the state and the coun­try» and «wants to rem­e­dy the sit­u­a­tion.» «I do not betray any­one, I do not turn any­one in. I am just coop­er­at­ing with the inves­ti­ga­tion, «- Prata­se­vich said.

    Dur­ing the press con­fer­ence Raman asked the jour­nal­ists present, whether they believe him.

    «Raman, sin­cere­ly I feel real­ly bad for you. Many of your col­leagues in Belarus feel bad for you. I can imag­ine what they could have done to you. And I don’t trust a sin­gle word from you.  Just hold on, just try to live through it,» — Bela­PAN jour­nal­ist Tat­siana Kar­avenko­va told Prata­se­vich.

    Raman Prata­se­vich is charged under three arti­cles of the Crim­i­nal Code:

    Arti­cle 342 «Orga­niz­ing and prepar­ing activ­i­ties that breach pub­lic order or active par­tic­i­pa­tion in them»;

    Arti­cle 293 «Mass riots»;

    Arti­cle 130 «Incite­ment of racial, eth­nic, reli­gious or oth­er social hatred or dis­cord.»

    Sofia Sape­ha was arrest­ed on sus­pi­cion of com­mit­ting a crime under Arti­cle 342 of the Crim­i­nal Code (par­tic­i­pa­tion in mass dis­or­ders). She was also charged in anoth­er crim­i­nal case under Arti­cle 130 part 3 of the Crim­i­nal Code (incite­ment of social hatred and dis­cord).

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