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  • Media in Belarus Conference, Day Two

    On the conference’ second day, the speakers touched upon the issues of economic hardships, copyright disputes and the specific of online transition of traditional independent mass media. Some remarkable excerpts from the conference can be found below.

    Andrei Ali­ak­san­drau, direc­tor’ deputy at Bela­PAN news agency

    The cur­rent eco­nom­ic sit­u­a­tion leaves much to be desired, while the coun­try is in reces­sion. We observe dom­i­nat­ing of the state sec­tor in the media, along­side with great depen­dence of our econ­o­my on Rus­sia.

    In recent years, we’ve seen a seri­ous decline in cap­i­tal­iza­tion of the Belaru­sian media mar­ket by around 40 per cent. The mar­ket vol­ume is approx­i­mate­ly 70 mil­lion USD, 18 mil­lion of which belongs to online adver­tis­ing mar­ket. The struc­ture of the media mar­ket has changed, too: in 2005, print media com­prised near 26 per cent, TV – 52 per cent, and the Inter­net occu­pied only 1 per cent. In 2016, print mass media com­prised only 5 per cent of the whole mar­ket, where­as 25 – 26 per cent now belongs to the Inter­net. And the ten­den­cy pre­serves.

    The spe­cif­ic of the Belaru­sian media space is that the dom­i­nant posi­tion is tak­en by large media own­ers, and some of them are not Belaru­sian, but Russ­ian. Also, state-run mass media have recent­ly start­ed to pro­mote them­selves online.

    One should bear in mind the polit­i­cal aspect influ­enc­ing the media mar­ket: state-run mass media enjoy sup­port in the form of sub­si­dies from the state bud­get. Also, many non-state mass media have been ban­ished from the state sys­tem of dis­tri­b­u­tion of print press.

    Some oth­er issues: com­pul­so­ry sub­scrip­tion of bud­get work­ers to state news­pa­pers, pres­sure on adver­tiz­ers, bar­ri­ers for entry into mar­ket (reg­is­tra­tion, allo­ca­tion of fre­quen­cies, invest­ments). And one more prob­lem to be men­tioned is lack of jour­nal­ists’ access to infor­ma­tion.

    How­ev­er, not every­thing is as bad as it looks: inde­pen­dent media have some oppor­tu­ni­ties to take, like new tech­nolo­gies, new plat­forms for work, new for­mats of adver­tis­ing which help draw earn­ings even for small web­sites. Adver­tis­ers’ approach­es have changed, too: they wish to tar­get spe­cif­ic audi­ences.

    In my view, Belaru­sian media are still keen on pro­duc­tion of con­tent. Mean­while, it is essen­tial to learn to sell your con­tent pro­fes­sion­al­ly.

    As for Bela­PAN, last year it focused on sell­ing news, where­as now we aim to increase adver­tis­ing rev­enues. A new web­site ver­sion has been launched with more ads. The step has increased web­site traf­fic by around 40 per cent with­in sev­er­al months, now we have up to 1 mil­lion unique users a month. We are also active­ly pro­mot­ing our pages on Face­book, Twit­ter and YouTube.

    Pauliyuk Byk­ous­ki, media expert

    The change in media con­sump­tion wor­ries not only non-state media busi­ness­es, but the gov­ern­ment, too. For exam­ple, the Min­is­ter of Infor­ma­tion has spo­ken about a drop in cir­cu­la­tions of print media.

    One of present-day ten­den­cies is that the role of web­sites has shift­ed to media pres­ence on dif­fer­ent plat­forms. The mean­ing of the main page has even changed, because now peo­ple come from social nets and search plat­forms to read a par­tic­u­lar piece of news. The main cur­ren­cy is audience’s atten­tion: there is a real fight for audi­ences with mobile devices where every per­son is now a kiosk with its own con­tent and ads.

    Uladz­imir Yanuke­vich, Intex-press, Baranavichy

    By the exam­ple of the media that make part of the Asso­ci­a­tion of Pub­lish­ers of Region­al Press, I can say that the chief prob­lem is unequal stand­ing of inde­pen­dent media against state-run media in the dis­tri­b­u­tion and pric­ing sys­tems.

    Teach­ers are oblig­ed to sub­scribe to this or that out­let and to bring con­fir­ma­tion doc­u­ments from the post-office; the fact of sub­scrip­tion is encour­aged by bonus­es, for instance, by an extra day of sum­mer vaca­tions.

    When Korona hyper­mar­ket appeared in Baranavichy, we con­clud­ed an agree­ment and sold around 200 to 300 copies on the first day. But then, the shop man­agers honed me and told they had been banned to coo­op­er­ate with us. More­over, they named par­tic­u­lar­ly those per­sons from the city exec­u­tive com­mit­tee who banned this.

    So, our main demand and view­point now: all media should have equal con­di­tions. Nobody will be able to com­pete with us then, because we make the most inter­est­ing prod­uct at our region­al mar­ket.

    Andrei Dynko, chief edi­tor of Nasha Niva

    Nasha Niva gets over 7 mil­lion views a month. We cut down on paper news­pa­per as a chance to pro­mote the out­let online.

    I do not see seri­ous feed­back from social nets; the very pub­li­ca­tions on social nets do not bring us earn­ings. Social nets and mes­sen­gers should work to attract the audi­ence to our web­site. Most Belaru­sian out­lets can­not afford six per­sons to admin­is­ter social accounts.

    Nasha Niva was one of the first social-polit­i­cal news­pa­pers who tried to raise funds from crowd­fund­ing. We expect to raise around 10 to 11 thou­sand euro with­in a year. But I don’t think that this is a seri­ous sum for an edi­to­r­i­al office to exist.

    I like the mod­el of Den­mark where all large out­lets agreed at a time to switch on a pay­wall. I assume we’ve got to cre­ate a sol­idary pay­wall. Of course, such paid-for sub­scrip­tion will be pos­si­ble with suf­fi­cient lev­el of devel­op­ment of elec­tron­ic pay­ment sys­tems, so here we depend a bit on the state.

    Inter­na­tion­al Con­fer­ence on Media Chal­lenges Held in Min­sk

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