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  • List of “extremist” content updated: Ukrainian TV channel, film about Pavel Sharamet, popular pranker’s pages

    The Ministry of Information updated the Republican Extremist Content List. New media from Belarus and Ukraine and certain video content were declared extremist.

    The infor­ma­tion reg­u­la­tor has once again updat­ed the data­base of “extrem­ists”. In addi­tion to the Belaru­sian media, this time the list includes a resource from Ukraine.

    Pryamyi TV Chan­nel has 2,360,000 sub­scribers on YouTube, exten­sive­ly cov­ers Russ­ian mil­i­tary aggres­sion, and sharply crit­i­cizes Lukashenka’s regime for com­plic­i­ty in war crimes.

    Anoth­er list item is implic­it­ly relat­ed to Ukraine. The video titled “New facts about the mur­der of Pavel Sharam­et” is clas­si­fied as “extrem­ist con­tent.” The sto­ry aired on Bel­sat TV chan­nel in July 2021 and was timed to an anniver­sary of the mur­der of the well-known jour­nal­ist in the cen­ter of Kyiv – exact­ly on the day of Ali­ak­san­dr Lukashenka’s first inau­gu­ra­tion. The inves­ti­ga­tion raised ques­tions as to why, after so much time, nei­ther the con­trac­tor, nor the motives of the assas­si­na­tion were named, and, most impor­tant­ly, about what role the Belaru­sian spe­cial ser­vices played in the mur­der of Pavel Sharam­et.

    Anoth­er “extrem­ist lot” is the social media pages relat­ed to Hrod­na jour­nal­ist Rus­lan Kule­vich. He left for Poland because of per­se­cu­tion and found­ed the MOST mul­ti­me­dia project there. As a result, most of the con­tent pro­duced by his team was banned.

    Anoth­er Hrod­na online com­mu­ni­ty on vk.com, Hrod­na News, was also declared extrem­ist.

    Final­ly, a por­tion of the state’s atten­tion was also award­ed to vlog­ger Andrei Pavuk. He hasn’t lived in Belarus for a long time, but he makes top offi­cials ner­vous with his pranks. Two of his Tik­Tok accounts were banned by Krup­ki Dis­trict Court.

    As of today, the total num­ber of items harm­ful to the cur­rent Belaru­sian regime is approach­ing 1500.

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