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  • Journalists targeted in raids on Friday, arrests reported

    Multiple journalists and prominent news organizations were targeted in raids on Friday as the government’s crackdown on the independent media showed no signs of abating.

    Search­es were con­duct­ed at the homes of jour­nal­ists coop­er­at­ing with Pol­ish-head­quar­tered Bel­sat TV, name­ly Jaŭhien Mierkis, Hlieb Labadzien­ka, Hali­na Abakunčyk, Ihar Iĺjaš, Paviel Maže­j­ka, Ali­ak­siej Kajrys, Ali­ak­san­dr Sajen­ka, Chrysci­na Čar­ni­aŭska­ja, Alieś Liaŭčuk, Milana Chary­ton­a­va, Vik­tar Jarašuk, Andrej Jakimuš, Liuboŭ Lunio­va, and Han­na Halio­ta. Ms. Halio­ta was report­ed­ly arrest­ed as a sus­pect in a mass dis­or­der case.

    The homes of Valiancin Ždanko and Alieh Hruzdzilovič, jour­nal­ists with the Belaru­sian ser­vice of Radio Free Europe/Radio Lib­er­ty (RFE/RL), and Inesa Studzin­ska­ja, a for­mer RFE/RL jour­nal­ist, were also searched. Mr. Hruzdzilovič and Ms. Studzin­ska­ja were report­ed arrest­ed.

    Masked plain­clothes­men raid­ed the Min­sk office of RFE/RL’s Belaru­sian ser­vice, break­ing down its door and tak­ing away com­put­ers.

    Jour­nal­ist Mary­na Arcy­baša­va also had her home searched.

    In addi­tion, NGO activists con­tin­ued to be tar­get­ed in raids on Fri­day. In par­tic­u­lar, search­es were con­duct­ed at the homes of Mary­na Dubi­na, direc­tor of an envi­ron­men­tal group called Ecodom, and of Hali­na Usci­na­va, a mem­ber of the board of Pravava­ja Ini­cy­jaty­va (Legal Ini­tia­tive), a human rights group.

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