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  • Journalist Siarhei Chyhryn detained for sharing extremist content

    On 16 December, journalist, local historian and writer Siarhei Chyhryn was detained in Slonim.

    Chy­gryn was accused of shar­ing “extrem­ist” con­tent and sen­tenced to sev­en days of admin­is­tra­tive deten­tion on the same day.

    Siarhei Chyhryn works as head of the lit­er­ary depart­ment of Slonim Dra­ma The­ater. The man­age­ment of the the­atre decid­ed to dis­miss the jour­nal­ist, BAJ reports.

    At the moment, 33 media rep­re­sen­ta­tives stay behind bars.

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