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  • Journalist Nadzeya Kalinina released but her trial not over

    The Minsk Leninski Borough Court has postponed the hearing in the case of journalist Nadzeya Kalinina of TUT.by. The woman was released, as three days had passed since her detention, BAJ reports.

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    Nadzeya Kalin­i­na was detained on Jan­u­ary 29. TUT.by jour­nal­ist tried to get into the cul­tur­al cen­ter “Kamvol”, where the cap­i­tal del­e­gates of the All-Belaru­sian People’s Assem­bly were gath­ered. Kalin­i­na was not allowed to the meet­ing with the par­tic­i­pa­tion of the offi­cials and was detained soon after­wards. The rea­sons for deten­tion became known only dur­ing the tri­al. The judge said that the jour­nal­ist was accused of unau­tho­rized pick­et­ing: she alleged­ly shout­ed “provoca­tive slo­gans”. Police also filed a report for dis­obe­di­ence to offi­cer dur­ing an ille­gal pick­et.

    At the tri­al TUT.by jour­nal­ist asked to show a video from the House of Cul­ture, where the deten­tion took place. At first Judge Tat­siana Shot­sik reject­ed the request, but then con­clud­ed that it was nec­es­sary to demand a video from the cul­tur­al cen­ter. After that the tri­al will con­tin­ue.

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