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  • Journalist Beaten in a Night Attack at Activist Patrol in Kurapaty

    Ales Kirkevich, journalist of Novy Chas newspaper, was wounded by a club hit at 4 am at the place where activists protest against construction of an office building on the venue of Stalinist mass killings.

    For the last few days, sev­er­al polit­i­cal and civ­il activists have been protest­ing in Kura­p­aty, the place where pre­sum­ably at least 30 thou­sand peo­ple were killed in repres­sions between 1937 and 1941. Recent­ly, the pub­lic have learnt that the bor­ders of the guard­ed area had been moved, and local author­i­ties sold a part of land for con­struct­ing the office build­ing.

    At 4 am, Feb­ru­ary 23, around 15 masked peo­ple attacked the group of pro­test­ers, which were 10 by that time, and beat the pro­test­ers with wood­en sticks, shout­ing some strange slo­gans. The attack was very swift, after which the assailants ran away into the near­by for­est. Ales Kirke­vich suf­fered a cut wound on the head, luck­i­ly, no oth­er seri­ous wounds were inflict­ed.

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