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  • Investigative Committee summons all Nasha Niva staff for questioning

    Investigative Committee has summoned all 20 employees of Nasha Niva for questioning,   NN chief editor Yahor Martsinovich posted on his Facebook page.

    Martsinovich is a suspect under Article 188 of the Criminal Code (defamation).

    On Sep­tem­ber 23, the police ser­ached his home.

    The search was con­duct­ed as part of the defama­tion case.  Deputy Inte­ri­or Min­is­ter Alexan­der Bar­suk­ouis named vic­tim in the case. After the search Martsi­novich was tak­en to the Inves­tiga­tive Com­mit­tee for inter­ro­ga­tion. The police seized took all dig­i­tal equip­ment, phones, flash cards, pass­ports, and sim-cards.


    DJs Kiryl Halanau and Ulad Sakalous­ki turned on Tsoi’s «Changes» on August 6 in Kievs­ki park. That day, the site, offi­cial­ly allo­cat­ed for cam­paign ral­lies, held a state-orga­nized Open Day of Extra-Cur­ric­u­lar Edu­ca­tion.

    The same evening, the young peo­ple were detained. On August 7 both were sen­tenced to 10 days of jail for dis­or­der­ly con­duct. Ulad Sakalous­ki spend half of his term in soli­tary con­fine­ment. Halanau was held in such con­di­tions for three days.

    After his release,  in an inter­view to Nasha Niva Sakalous­ki said that one day a man came to the room who said some­thing like: «Well, you lis­tened to the song, you want­ed changes, did you?».

    - He hit me twice in the back. He said it was only the begin­ning: «I hope that you will get 10 years.» .

    On August 21, Ulad Sakalous­ki had a con­ver­sa­tion in the Inte­ri­or Min­istry. On August 22 the DJs escaped to Lithua­nia.

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