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    "There is nothing impossible for her" — a story about the founder of the Press Club, Yulia Slutskaya.

    Four months after the Belarusian presidential elections, the founder of Press Club Belarus, Yulia Slutskaya, and three members of her team —  Financial Director Sergei Olshevsky, Programme Director Alla Sharko and Yulia's son Photographer Pyotr Slutsky — were arrested on charges of tax evasion and have been remanded in prison in Minsk since December 22, 2020.

    This is the sto­ry of Yulia Slut­skaya, who brought jour­nal­ists, busi­ness peo­ple, civic activists and even the state togeth­er in the Press Club and was impris­oned for it.

    On April 23, 2021, the term of deten­tion was extend­ed for the third time. No inves­tiga­tive action is being car­ried out involv­ing detainees; they are sim­ply con­fined to their cells. We know from their rel­a­tives and lawyers that prison con­di­tions are harsh. There is black mold in Yuliya’s cell. Pyotr shares a cell with 22 oth­er inmates. Most let­ters sent to our col­leagues are not deliv­ered. When the weath­er was freez­ing, they did not receive parcels with warm clothes.

    All detained mem­bers of the Press Club Belarus team have been recog­nised as polit­i­cal pris­on­ers.
    The Press Club team, decid­ed to tell about organ­i­sa­tion and what they do. For half a decade, they worked open­ly and legal­ly in Min­sk with­out any com­plaints from the author­i­ties. That was before the 2020 pres­i­den­tial elec­tions. Fif­teen min­utes is not enough to describe all  Press Club’s projects, bring­ing togeth­er jour­nal­ists, ana­lysts, media pro­fes­sion­als, IT experts, NGOs, busi­ness peo­ple and the state.

    Yulia Slut­skaya has done a tremen­dous amount to nur­ture pro­fes­sion­al jour­nal­ism and a com­pet­i­tive media mar­ket in Belarus. 

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