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  • Hrodna.life media website blocked by authorities

    On 22 September, Hrodna.life editors received a decision from the Prosecutor’s Office of Hrodna Region. They were informed that Hrodna.life website is blocked and “access to its social media pages is restricted by including the identifier of this Internet resource in the list of restricted access”.

    The prosecutor’s deci­sion, signed by act­ing pros­e­cu­tor of Hrod­na Region Eduard Burak, is dat­ed 16 Sep­tem­ber. Here are the rea­sons for block­ing the site:

    •  “Cer­tain arti­cles are accom­pa­nied with videos that neg­a­tive­ly assess the social and polit­i­cal sit­u­a­tion in Belarus after the elec­tion cam­paign and dis­cred­it the activ­i­ty of the state law-enforc­ing bod­ies”.

    •  Edi­tors of Hrodna.life media Ali­ak­sei Shota and Iry­na Novik were held admin­is­tra­tive­ly respon­si­ble for dis­trib­ut­ing extrem­ist mate­ri­als.

    “Our site is nei­ther the first nor the last resource blocked a year after the elec­tion. It’s not about the vio­la­tions or lack there­of, it’s just about the tim­ing. First, the big por­tals were shut down. Now it is the turn of the local media. We were pre­pared for such devel­op­ments. Our col­leagues’ expe­ri­ences have already been ana­lyzed, and fur­ther actions have been con­sid­ered. So we don’t say good­bye to our read­ers. We will con­tin­ue our work and inform about the most impor­tant events in Hrod­na,” com­ments Iry­na Novik, spe­cial projects edi­tor at Hrodna.life.

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