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  • Hrodna.life declared “extremist formation”

    Belarusian authorities have updated the List of Organizations, Formations, and Individual Entrepreneurs Involved in Extremist Activities. Another media outlet, Hrodna.life, was added to it. The updated list is published on the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

    “A group of cit­i­zens includ­ing the founders, users, and admin­is­tra­tors of the Hrodna.life web­site, Telegram chan­nels Hrod­na like!, Hrod­na One Love, as well as YouTube chan­nel Hrod­na One Love car­ries out extrem­ist activ­i­ties,” the updat­ed list informs.

    The deci­sion was tak­en by the KGB on 11 Novem­ber, and the pub­li­ca­tion was includ­ed in the list on 21 Novem­ber.

    Arti­cles pub­lished on Hrodna.life were pre­vi­ous­ly rec­og­nized as extrem­ist.

    In the past, Bela­PAN, Nasha Niva, Euro­ra­dio, and oth­er inde­pen­dent media were also added to the list of “extrem­ist for­ma­tions”.

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